Thursday, August 25, 2011

2011 Mick Motor Self Photography Promotion

Big things come in a small box. Here's my 2011 Photography Promo. I had been rolling concepts and copy lines around with friends & work colleague's. Having had worked in Journalism I understand the power of presentation. 4x6 Mailers aren't exciting and flooding email-in boxes are dull. I wanted to create a Promo that would be interactive.
I want to engage the person on the receiving end. In order to make this happen I decided to create the promo around slides & slide viewers. It also ties into the Copy "Get Lit with Mick Motor"
To create the promo it was decided to photograph the prints from my portfolio. I used a friends trusty 35mm Minolta & Fuji Velvia 100 slide film.
In keeping with the theme I decided to go with the concept that the images had just been "washed" (a photography term for developing). I hung the print images from the laundry line. The prints from my portfolio are 11x14 so they worked out well.
After I shot my book prints. I looked over the Slideviewers. I purchased them in bulk & had to wait 3 weeks to get them from our friends at B&H.
From the beginning the underlying theme is "lofi" make the promo to come in under or close budget. So, I've opted to avoid corporate kitsch items and pieces that are not related to the Promo. I promise I'll send the Kona coffee out with the next series. With this in mind I looked for cost saving ideas.
To complete my Promo I thought I needed to order shipping boxes. As I was sitting at the work bench it occurs to me that I can turn the slideviewer boxes inside out! The viewers have solid cardboard inserts. They are durable and keep my package small and affordable for shipping.
Sure it took a little time to turn them inside but it works beautifully. Now my film slides and copy line promo's will fit inside the slide viewer box. In the mean time my slides return from FujiFilm
When I purchased the Slideviewers I also purchased Fuji Velvia 100 & Prepaid Developing Bags. This made it super easy for me as having slides developed & mounted in Hawaii is not possible.
Here's an example of the experience. The images just pop off. I was amazed at the quality of the copy work. It was a learning curve but once I place the viewer with the slide to my face, wow. I aimed to supply each promo pack with a variety of 10 slides.
Also to keep the theme lofi. I personalized the viewing. I decided to hand write my website on each slide. Once you pull out a slide and then look through it you see my hand written note ""
To round out the promo I will have them stuffed with a comp cards, stickers & my copy line "Get Lit with Mick Motor"
I am very pleased with the complete production. It took over 4 months from concept to finished promo.
The entire development was a unique process that challenged me. I am stoked to have produced a "lofi" but interactive promo.
I hope you enjoy as well.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hasan Scott

I know all you people think I just shoot hot babes. Yes, that is mostly true. Notice that I also shoot portraits of bitch'n people.

Follow my antics on Twitter: @MickMotor

I never thought you'd ask! Yes I haz website

Oh you like Tumblr? so do I! Mick Motor on Tumblr/

I also have a E-Port for your visual pleasure


Friday, August 5, 2011

Two Risky

Sometimes life can be a little 2 Risky. 1987 Cutlass Supreme.

Follow my antics on Twitter: @MickMotor

I never thought you'd ask! Yes I haz website

Oh you like Tumblr? so do I! Mick Motor on Tumblr/

I also have a E-Port for your visual pleasure
